FMH Children’s Club International
P.O. Box 640109
El Paso, TX 79904



The following letter-form was brought about as a means of teaching my children the Word of God through the mail. And of course, quite naturally so, that’s the reason I begin these letters with "Dear Children" and end them with "Love Dad". So for the rest of you who participate in these weekly messages, please keep their original intended purpose in mind.



[Return to sermonet Lanna Perry Prostitutes the Holy Spirit!]


Lanna's E-mails (continuation #5)


Sent: Wed, 13 Jul 2005 18:54:46 -0700
Subject: Re: Lanna Says GoodBye!!!!

Warrior Princess;

I was relieved to find out that you really didn't mean what you said: "GOODBYE!!!"

Anything to share on Reinhard Bonke and Joyce Meyer?

In Christ,



Sent: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 18:04:49 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Re: Thank You For Being You! Luv Lanna!


Thanks for your email :)

Wow Amen, sounds like God is really taking you out in ministry. I will pray and see what God tells me about your trip.

Well here is the word the Lord gave me, I pray that it blesses you as much as it did me.

Can't wait to hear back from you. Thank you for the b'day blessings.

Yours in living in the revelation of her God celebrating her,


My precious daughter, I have great and wonderful plans for you as you know, but this year My daughter is going to be a year of remembrance for you.

This year, your 25th year I am going to bring some of the greatest desires in your heart to you. I am going to bring forth what is in your heart into manifestation in the physical.

In your 25th year, you are going to see the impossible become possible. Beginning tomorrow, the first day of your 25th year, you are being sent forth.

You are being sent forth in confidence, and strength of who you are in Me. You are finally taking that step forward, proclaiming this is who I am, I am God’s child.

You are about to take that step. 25 years ago My daughter I was so pleased and excited to bring you to this earth. I was so excited to bless the earth with your presence. There is no one like you, and there will never be another like you. There will never be another that leaves the mark in history that you will.

In your 25th year, this will be a milestone year, as I send you forth into ministry and as I bring to you the man you have been waiting for. Yes, you are hearing Me correctly. Ministry and partnership is coming to you in your 25th year. Do not doubt, but stand on My Word.

Much is changing tonight as you enter into the first day of your 25th year. The shift is taking place. The divine shift, of you stepping forward into the next step of your destiny spiritually. You will have a new lease on life, of who you are in Me. You will walk in deeper confidence in who you are in Me, and you will see an instantaneous growth come to you. The heavens will open and deeper revelations and blessings will come to you beginning tomorrow the first day of your 25th year.

This year is a significant year for you My daughter. For you are taking a stand now. You are taking a stand in your healing, in the ministry I am giving to you, and in victory of who you are in Me. Much is coming to you this year, and you will come deeper in Me, more than ever before in this year.

You are entering into a season of signs and wonders. You will see great manifestations of My Spirit in this coming year. My Spirit will pour into you and over you in greater ways, the anointing I have placed over you is increasing in greater ways, and you are going to hear and see in greater ways than you ever imagined.

I celebrate you My daughter. I celebrate you. I celebrate blessing this earth with you, and I celebrate having such a wonderful daughter. I celebrate our relationship, and I celebrate where I am taking you, and what you are going to do for Me.

As you enter into your 25th year, remember My dear daughter, the Lord Your God, the Great I Am is TRULY celebrating you.


Sent: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 18:19:40 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Lanna STANDS UP!!!!!

Hey Hey!!!!

I am only sending this to a very few of my close friends that have known my walk and struggle of standing up for myself and believing the calling that the Lord has given me. I receive this email from a lady I know in the USA..after simply mentioning how I was praising God for the fact He has honoured my hearts desire for giving me a prophetic calling. I did not say I was a prophet, I think she has misunderstood that.

She has spoken some truth, that YES these are the days of deception and YES we need to be careful, and YES ALL are called to prophesy, YES some prophets are false, and YES we must test all spirits, but I cannot agree with what she has said about 'me', because it is completely contrary to what the Lord has spoken to me. Sure, signs and wonders may not be following me now, but i believe it WILL come.

Anyways, I have included her email below, voiding her name and address as I do not want to tear her down at all. I simply show you this email as an example, because even though I read this, I did not crumble. I read it, and felt compassion for her for what I saw 'rising up' within her, and what was 'going on' for her.

I simply show you this, because I believe the shift has happened. I read this, and can stand knowing what I am called to. I hear what she is saying, and will respond in love, and not judgement, but it is contrary to what the Lord has said. I know what the Lord has called me too, sure i don't know HOW it will eventuate, but it WILL happen, because GOD has spoken it.

This IS a praise report for me not to crumble under this. Sure the doubts came 'you are not called to the ministry of prophecy etc' or 'she is right' but i had the strength and authority to stand and not crumble, and I wanted to share this victory with you.

Your friend,

Lanna the bible says we all can prophesy, it is meant as a gift for any who sincerely seek it and we are told to ask for the gifts, but I warn you to be careful of deceiving yourself when you "call yourself a prophetess"..or say that you walk in the office of a prophet. That is what jezebel calls herself and if indeed you are a "prophet" you will find you have no need to tell others this..because others will just know this about you;-) Prophets and those who prophecy walk a fine line between keeping their walk spotless and away from pride. It's hard "knowing" things and not falling into pride. Do yourself a favor and read what the lives of Elijah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, even Samuel were like. Are you truly walking in these things? Do signs and wonders follow after you like them? Do you call down the things they did? Too many people "call themselves" prophets but are not..just as too many are calling themselves apostles and are not. Also read what Jesus says to the 7 churches and let it sink it really deep..there are warnings there you and others can learn from;-) These are days of deception Lanna, and often we deceive ourselves. There are as many dime store prophets on the internet as there are fortune tellers on the streets these days..I test each one and find most of them wanting. Some talk about old testament prophets being different than new testament prophets. A prophet of the Lord is a prophet of the Lord and we are to test the spirits, which many are false. I've no doubt that you prophesy and have words of knowledge and wisdom, wonderful awesome gifts that the Lord has given you..but a prophetess, that remains to be seen. I know true prophets and signs, wonders and miracles follow them..and they don't broadcast "Hey I'm a prophet" because their "office" speaks for itself. They also tend to truly get upset when they see people idolizing them, setting them on a pedestal or advertising their titles..especially in places they are called to speak. Don't sell yourself short Lanna, you have an awesome calling and anointing on your life and if God elevates you to a true prophet then amen..but honestly I don't see the "office of prophet" upon least yet;-) Continue doing the things you're called to do, be faithful in the small never know what His plans are for you;-) Don't push it or try to make it happen..just soak in Him and let Him time your release. At least you haven't had to lay on a bed on 1 side then turn over and lay on the other side for long periods of time, nor go through the streets about the lives of the prophets and understand at a deep level that though they walked in a high anointing..there is a heavy, heavy price to pay for it...and you want a husband and children..count the cost Lanna. There is a lot of fantasizing and misunderstandings about the office of prophet these days..and satan likes it that way. Satan likes having you this way.


Sent: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 09:11:34 -0700
Subject: Re: Lanna STANDS UP!!!!!

Warrior Princess;

The Lord has instructed me to ask you to invite your lady "friend" to discern whether or not I am a prophet. Please give her our Web address ( and ask her what she thinks about Prophet "Dad". I'm anxiously awaiting her reply.

In Christ,



Sent: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 10:38:42 -0700
Subject: Re: Lanna STANDS UP!!!!!

Warrior Princess;

The Lord wants me to as you a question. Why is your picture posted on your home page? Is this what God wants?

In Christ,



Sent: Fri, 15 Jul 2005 23:49:17 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Hiya :)


How are you?

How was your day?

Did you have a good quiet time with the Lord? What are you learning in the Word?

I have to send this email to my old hotmail account too, because for some reason it won't allow the attachment to go through without it. The attachment i'll mention below, so that's why your addy isn't in the bar.

Don't you just love it, when you overcome one attack, and move forward pressing deeper into Jesus and it feels like you haven't even taken half a step forward and BAM the next one comes? hehe, that's where I'm at.

I am including a photo below, that was taken today, as my best friend Amy granduated from University. She is the one in the university gown...hehe...and I'm the one in the pink.

Well I showed mum this picture, and mum commented on how chubby i looked. Well I have to tell you that it just stabbed me right in the heart.

So I sit here faced with yet another choice. To look at this pic below and think 'yes I do look really chubby, and awful' or to look at it and say 'NO i am BEAUTIFUL and God has GREAT plans for Me, and GOD is ENTHRALLED with my beauty".

It's just incredible though, lately just how the attacks come one after the other...attacks....test.....attacks.....test....

So what a hard night!!! Whew!!!! It's amazing how if you entertain one attack or thought like that, you can just spiral. From there you think 'yeah i'm chubby' then you start feeling lonely and it all gets bad from there, so i choose to stop it NOW in Jesus name and claim the truth.

Interesting thing though, I think God is doing a healing in me, I have been crying a lot easier lately. Like tonight, before my mum said anything to me, i was crying because I miss my husband, who I haven't even met yet or hasn't come into my life...yet I miss him...and long to meet him....and that would never ever have been me like 6 months ago or a year ago. Interesting isn't it?

Anyways....I won't hold you up! :) I'm attaching the picture below and look forward to your reply.

Your friend,


Sent: Fri, 15 Jul 2005 11:50:31 -0700
Subject: Re: Hiya :)

Warrior Princess;

So how am I? I'm blessed in the Lord! How was my day? Blessed in the Lord! You see Lanna I can honestly answer the way I have because I have dedicated my life to serving Him. The Almighty allowed me to lose my family, my job, my home - my normal life style - just so I could give Him my undivided attention. I had to learn that nothing else should interfere with the ministry that He's given me to perform for His glory.

And then you asked "What am I learning in the Word?" I will share with you the revelation that He's given me for my life and yours as He allows. It is a difficult revelation to receive and likewise must be received through the ears of a prophet. When the Lord first gave it to me, in the early part of 2004, I immediately rejected it as being from Satan. But the Lord was patient with me and continued to counsel me with His Truth. Now that I've received it as Truth - accepted it as God's Will for my life - He's showing me through the Scripture why it is so. I had to first receive His spoken revelation before He would give me His Scriptural proof. This is the way He most often works with me. I have to receive His Word with "blind faith" before He gives me His written explanation.

And having said that let's turn to the subject of you. Why are you so concerned about your physical appearance? I realize that you are very young, and of course these are the things that we focus on in our youth. However, your work for the Lord is so important for the "now" that you must mature rapidly in the Lord. You have posted your picture on your Website because you want people to like the "physical" Lanna, and that's why you are so concerned about your looks. A few months ago the Lord had me to tell you to remove your picture because "witchcraft" was being performed through it's posting. Well you took it down...but then the Devil got you to put it back up.

Do you really want to be sold out to Jesus? It's not your "physical" looks that your God-chosen husband is interested in. You are spirit-soul-body, and it's the Spirit that inhabits your "body and soul" that your God-called husband loves you for. You are designed for a very special purpose during this great end-time harvest. Your body has been designed to carry it out, but you must fill your body to overflowing with His Spirit...and this can only be accomplished by getting your eyes off Lanna and putting them on Jesus. When you have done this in totality, your body will come together with your God-called husband to produce a powerful baby boy prophet for the glory of God.

You are a beautiful child of God and your God-called husband see's you as such. Please break this curse of witchcraft by removing your picture from your Website.

With much love,



Sent: Sat, 16 Jul 2005 17:55:54 +1000 (EST)
Subject: DANNY/CAROLE..Very Serious Matter!


I am sending this to you and one or two other people that I trust. I beg of you to keep this between you and I, because this is a very serious matter.

I have been in touch with a pastor from the USA for many many years now, it would be about 7 years to be exact. Well out of the blue he has seen my pics, and has just completely changed.

He is in his 50's and divorced, and he is highly prophetic. He has always been such a strong mentor for me over the past 7 or 8 years. Well today, he has emailed me many times and told me that he wants to marry me, and is going into explicit detail about how he wants to make love to me etc, and there is lust everywhere. I have been so disgusted, I haven't even been able to reply yet, because I can't believe it. He wants me to move over to the USA, because i've been the one he's been looking for his whole life, and even now he is in a relationship with another lady, and he is doing this. Wants me to send him pics of me in skimpy clothes.

I can't believe it. I am so sickened, and the urgency of this is indescribable. I have just been sobbing. I can just feel the disgusting spirit all around me, and trying to hook into me, and tear me down once and for all, ruin everything for me.

I do not want this man, at ALL. I am going to email him and tell him how i am so disappointed and that we can longer be in contact, even block his address. I just really need your comfort and prayers right now. It has really shaken me up, because my past, my dad always told me that men will only ever want me for sex, and lustful things, and i have broken that lie, and continue to stand against it. I am continuing to stand against that now, but I am just feeling so sick, because i can see and feel the spirit of it all.

I just can't believe this. In the spirit i just see the demonic army just waiting to pounce to tear everything in me and ministry down. I was once told there is a specific spirit like this that tries to come against prophetic people. Do you know anything about that?

Is something about to happen for me? that the attacks are getting this intense?

I should go..but please please pray for me....this has really shaken me up..can't believe how i thought i knew someone...and really i didn't.



Sent: Sat, 16 Jul 2005 08:15:40 -0700
Subject: Re: BRUCE....Very Serious Matter!

Warrior Princess;

Your "Tongue And Hearts Entwined" was right on time wasn't it? Did you receive it?

"A few months ago the Lord had me to tell you to remove your picture because "witchcraft" was being performed through it's posting. Well you took it down...but then the Devil got you to put it back up."

I'm here to help you make it to where you are suppose to be "In the Lord"...but I can only do that if you allow me to. Why can't you pray though on the instructions that I give you? God will confirm them for you if you sincerely want to receive all that He has for you.

In the Lord Jesus Christ,



Sent: Sat, 16 Jul 2005 19:19:41 -0700
Subject: Re: BRUCE....Very Serious Matter!

Warrior Princess;

Please don't think I'm trying to run your life, because I'm not. However, I am going to give you a Word that the Lord gave me this morning for you. You must seek God as to whether or not this is from Him - a simple prayer requiring a simple "Yes" or "No" answer would be an easy way to get His answer.

It is the Lord's desire that you join with the "prophets" at FMHCCI. The first step is to shut down your Website at after having first transfered it to FMHCCI. You can leave your "ourchurch" page as a means of forwarding Web traffic to your new address ( which God directed me to establish a few months ago. I don't understand why, but the Lord is telling me that this site transfer will protect you from some of the attacks that are yet to come.

I'm here to help you make it to where God has destined you to be.

In Christ,



Sent: Sun, 17 Jul 2005 21:44:07 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Re: BRUCE....Very Serious Matter!


Thank you for your kind offer.

I will pray and let you know :)



Sent: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 09:06:40 -0700
Subject: Re: BRUCE....Very Serious Matter!

Warrior Princess;

I'm only obeying God...Give Him the glory:

"And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him." (Colossians 3:17 KJV)

In the Lord Jesus Christ,



Sent: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 22:58:13 -0700
Subject: Re: A New Move - word - Lanna Perry!

Warrior Princess;

The Lord had me to send William Cook (and his wife Wilma) a copy of your latest Word from God. Brother William is a prophet from South Africa who has joined the FMHCCI in our ministry efforts. As of this moment, God has him focused specifically on the Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. But anyway, this is what he had to say about your Holy Spirit inspired utterance:

"PRAISE GOD....Hallelujah to the Lamb!!! Thank you so much for the e-mail, and that word of prophecy is right on target not only for myself, but also for the church in it's totality. What an encouragement! God is truly wanting His children to walk closer and intimately with Him. But you know I am so aware of the wiles of the evil one, as he is ever near, looking for a opportunity to pounce. But praise be to Jesus for the Holy Spirit."

In the Lord Jesus Christ,



Sent: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 09:09:50 -0700
Subject: Re: Stand Armed Not Disarmed - word - Lanna Perry!

Warrior Princess;

After reading the Word - Stand Armed Not Disarmed, the Lord brought back to mind your pastor(?) friend with the "lust". Have you said anything to him since the incident? He needs help in a very bad way:

"Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." (John 3:3 KJV)

In the Lord Jesus Christ,



Sent: Sat, 23 Jul 2005 17:18:43 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Please Pray - Lanna Perry!

Hi Everyone,

I want to thank all of you for your encouraging responses lately. I am sorry if I have not been able to reply to all of you individually, it's just I get so many emails from my website, time does not permit a reply to every personal email at the moment. So please bare with me if you have emailed me, I WILL get to your email very soon.

I wanted to email each of you that have requested to be a part of the online ministry the Lord has had me establish, and ask for your prayers.

I cannot go into detail, all I can say is that the attacks have become horrendous. Nothing I cannot handle in His strength, but your prayers would be much appreciated. It would be easy to get discouraged, but I will not, I will keep my eyes on Jesus and speak forth what HE says to me, as He tells me too, no matter what others say about me or what the Lord speaks through me.

So I ask for your prayers. Please continue to pray for the Lord's will in my life in the area of the prophetic ministry, for continued protection and the grace to continue standing and obeying.

Thank you for your prayers.

It means a lot. I pray the Lord would continue to bless and encourage each of you.

Love in Jesus,
Lanna Perry


Sent: Sun, 24 Jul 2005 11:31:38 -0700
Subject: Fw: Demon Molestation

Warrior Princess;

We're approaching 5 months since the writing of the attached e-mail (as directed by the Lord). Have we accomplished the intended purpose of that letter?

In the Lord Jesus Christ,



Sent: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 23:33:00 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Re: Fw: Demon Molestation

Hey Bruce,

I believe that it is accomplished. You don't?

I prayed about your website, and I don't feel to move anywhere just yet.

Thanks for the offer.



Sent: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 18:13:59 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Moving Forward in Jesus name! Luv Lanna :)


How are you? How have you been going in your walk with Jesus? :)

I have to say, I have learnt a lot in the past week, I really have. I have learnt all about standing in the conviction and calling He has given me, really trusting the discernment He has given me, not relying on man, and blessing others.

You know, the Lord has really been speaking to me about not having a 'victim' mentality. I think it's really easy to have that in our lives. When discouragement or attack hits our lives it's easy to become a 'victim'. It's so easy to just 'crumple' under pressure, and get downcast.

Well God has been speaking to me about that. We are not victims but overcomers. The Lord doesn't want us to be victims. He died so we can be overcomers.

So it's like with this intense attack that just seems to be neverending in my life, that He wants me to be a warrior. To be encouraged by the attack ,meaning I'm in the right place, rather than be a victim with the 'woe to me' attitude and being weighed down by discouragement.

Being content in my relationship with Him alone. I think it's so easy to put our 'contentment' in things other than our relationship with Jesus. Ministry, or outward circumstances, but honestly the Lord wants us to have our contentment in Him alone, in our relationship with Him.

When we do, then no matter what happens or doesn't happen around us, we are content. Amen?

Also, I wanted to share something awesome with you, that's really special to me.

The past week or so, I've been asking God to show me more and more of myself, and I keep having the same picture over and over. I'll be out doing stuff, not necessarily worshipping or anything, and I'll ask God, 'where am I at', or show me myself in the Spirit?

And you know what I keep seeing over and over and over again?

Myself standing before the Lord in worship, with both arms raised facing Him.

It's the STRONGEST picture and I can go to that place everytime I close my eyes and there is SUCH PEACE.

Is that weird? *laughs*

It's just amazing, it's like my Spirit is in constant worship to God, even if I am not physically worshipping!

Is that possible? *laughs*

Okay better go. Bless Ya heaps, look forward to your reply.

Love Lanna


Sent: Fri, 29 Jul 2005 14:31:46 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Hi Everyone, it's Lanna!

Hi Everyone,

I don't usually send out prayer requests like this, but I am going to Melbourne for a week at the end of next week for a prophetic conference and basically I have paid for my flight and 7 nights accomodation.

Now, due to a family problem, which I don't want to go into in a group mail (I will share in 1 - 1 mail if you want to know) I have had to buy groceries and give my mum money this week. Which basically means now, I don't have a cent to live off while i'm in Melbourne.

So I am asking for your prayers. Would you please pray that God provides me with some money to be able to live off?

Thank you so much. I will believe for a miracle from God in this area :)

You're all great :) thanks so much for your prayers,

In Jesus,


Sent: Sat, 30 Jul 2005 20:15:10 -0700
Subject: Fw: FMH Children's Club International

Warrior Princess;

The Lord wanted me to share this with you as it concerns "The Children Of God" cult and the accusations that will come against us.

In the Lord Jesus Christ,


---------- Forwarded Message -----------
Sent: Sat, 30 Jul 2005 17:47:37 -0600
Subject: Fw: FMH Children's Club International


It looks as though you are fulfilling God's prophetic Word to me:

"God was preparing me for our “great adventure” with the FMH Children’s Club International, and it was likewise through the reading of this book that the Almighty prepared me for the accusations that would follow."

Would you like to discuss your matter of contention further? I'll even be glad to call you by phone. Just let me know.

In Christ Love,

Bruce (and Sandy)

---------- Forwarded Message -----------
Sent: Sat, 30 Jul 2005 14:26:42 EDT
Subject: FMH Children's Club International

I just want to say that I am disgusted by your brainwashing of children,trying to get them to join your little offshoot of The Children of God. I am disgusted by how you take Jesus's teachings and pervert them to support religious intolerance. I disgusted by your ignorance of Hinduism, Catholicism, and Islam, things you claim to know about. You're just a cult leader.
------- End of Forwarded Message -------


Sent: Sun, 31 Jul 2005 21:34:25 +1000 (EST)
Subject: BUBBLING!!!!!!!!!! :) Love Lanna

Hi Hi,

How are you? What a dig that lady had at you!!!!!! *ugh* but you continue to rise up as you hear the Lord speak to you, amen?

I am sitting here and I almost cannot think straight, so forgive me if i miss stuff from your previous email.

I am just so so so in awe. I really am. I am so in awe of God that I can hardly sit still. I am just seeing so much more of His love and His kindness and His blessing. Isn't He just so amazing?

I mean, isn't it an amazing feeling when you wake up and you are just aching for more of Him, and when you go to bed you can hardly sleep because you are so excited to be His child. I am just so so so in love with Him.

I am just seeing Him move mountains in my life, and take me deeper than ever before. Sharpen the prophetic gifting within me, show me more and more of His face, but the thing is, is that:



For so many years I've been thinking God was a harsh taskmaster like my dad. Only the past year has the Lord been bringing healing to me in that area and I am seeing Him more and more and more for who He truly is.

There is a situation in my life, where I made a mistake lately, and I hated the mistake I made. I repented of it and I asked God to provide for me and restore me, even though there was no way in this world I deserved it.

And you know what happened?

HE PROVIDED 100 fold. YES, I am telling the truth. 100 fold. Can you believe that? OVER and ABOVE what I expected.

My earthly father would never have done that, he would have left me to suffer, and not brought restoration and THEN BLESSING ON TOP!!!!! WOW!!!!!

I am just so amazingly in awe. I just cannot fathom how amazing He is.

Now that I am seeing all this, the MORE and MORE and MORE passionate I am to serve Him, to serve His church prophetically, to get into His word and know Him more than ever before.

NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING compares to knowing Him. WOW!!!!!!


When I was at the Hillsong conference this year Reinhard Bonnke was amazing and God used him to really touch my life. All the time Reinhard was SO passionate and kept saying "HALLELUJAH" over and over and over and yelling about God's goodness, and I kept thinking "yes AMEN" but wow he gets fired up.



For so long I kept seeing Jesus as someone who would PUNISH me, but NO that's NOT my GOD, and the MORE i am seeing that, the more passion and living waters are flowing out of me.



You know what else God keeps speaking to me about? He keeps telling me:


What would you say that means? :)

Anyways, enough about me :) Whew!!!!!

What's going on with you? :)

I love ya lots in JESUS and WOW that name JESUS, brings me to my knees. I continue to stand before Him though in SPIRIT as He showed me at ALL times worshipping HIM. What an amazing picture, AMEN?

Love in Jesus,
Your passionate friend forever,


Sent: Sun, 31 Jul 2005 20:10:00 -0700
Subject: Re: BUBBLING!!!!!!!!!! :) Love Lanna

Warrior Princess;

All is not well with Lanna..."Thus saith the Lord!" For the past few days the Lord has been giving me the following Scripture for you. Please read it, pray about it, and then let's talk about it. Do you want to be set free from ALL THE DARKNESS THAT BINDS YOU? Well let's talk.

With the Love of the Father,


"Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; And did all eat the same spiritual meat; And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ. But with many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness. Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted. Neither be ye idolaters, as were some of them; as it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play. Neither let us commit fornication, as some of them committed, and fell in one day three and twenty thousand. Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed of serpents. Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer. Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry." (1 Corinthians 10:1-14 KJV)

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on 1Co 10:6-14 - Carnal desires gain strength by indulgence, therefore should be checked in their first rise. Let us fear the sins of Israel, if we would shun their plagues. And it is but just to fear, that such as tempt Christ, will be left by him in the power of the old serpent. Murmuring against God's disposals and commands, greatly provokes him. Nothing in Scripture is written in vain; and it is our wisdom and duty to learn from it. Others have fallen, and so may we. The Christian's security against sin is distrust of himself. God has not promised to keep us from falling, if we do not look to ourselves. To this word of caution, a word of comfort is added. Others have the like burdens, and the like temptations: what they bear up under, and break through, we may also. God is wise as well as faithful, and will make our burdens according to our strength. He knows what we can bear. He will make a way to escape; he will deliver either from the trial itself, or at least the mischief of it. We have full encouragement to flee from sin, and to be faithful to God. We cannot fall by temptation, if we cleave fast to him. Whether the world smiles or frowns, it is an enemy; but believers shall be strengthened to overcome it, with all its terrors and enticements. The fear of the Lord, put into their hearts, will be the great means of safety.


Sent: Tue, 2 Aug 2005 21:42:07 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Hey Hey!

Hey Hey,

I can't email long at all tonight, I have had the worst day full of oppression and attack.

I pray I am doing something right spiritually, but my goodness the attack today and oppressions I see coming against me have been horrendous.

I am standing in victory, the victory Jesus paid for me and am trampling the enemy. He will NOT get me down.

I need to go and just lie in my Saviours arms and breathe, really just hide in Him, as the attack and opression today as been so much worse than usual.

Probably the enemy wanting to shut me up.

Hallelujah though, that we serve the GOD who REIGNS and has beaten the enemy.

I will email you more tomorrow. Look forward to your reply.

Love & Blessings,
Your friend forever,
John 7 :)


Sent: Tue, 2 Aug 2005 10:33:39 -0700
Subject: Re: Hey Hey!

Warrior Princess;

Have you prayed about the Scripture I sent you. How does it apply to your life?

"But with many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness." (1 Corinthians 10:5 KJV)

God has sent me into your life to help you accomplish all that He has planned for you. It won't happen until you start cooperating. We must talk. I have the answer.

In Christ,



Sent: Mon, 8 Aug 2005 21:15:00 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Byyyyyyyeeeeeeee!!!!!!

Well the time has come for me to say goodbye... hehe

I leave first thing tomorrow morning for Melbourne, to the Walking In The Prophetic 2 Conference. I am very excited, and can't wait to get there!!!!!

I know God has amazing things for me there, because the attack has been horrendous leading up to this, but:


Tonight, as I was packing, the enemy started full on in my mind again. "You're so fat, you're so ugly" all those usual awful things, and I am standing my ground cutting him off in JESUS name.

Speaking the TRUTH to him in JESUS NAME!!!!!! Then God showed me:

The enemy is trying to cripple me right now before I leave, because if he can get me in a 'rut' or feeling down about myself before I leave, then when I get there, I will be self-absorbed and miss out on a lot God wants to show me.

So i REFUSE to listen to his mumbo jumbo, and cut him off NOW in JESUS NAME :)

It is exciting to think about what God is going to do with me, since satan is so mad hehehehehe!!!!

So Adios to you!!!! thank you for you support, your love and encouragement. I will be back in 7 days and look forward to chatting :) Please try not to fill my inbox too much :)

I am staying in the heart of the city, so I'll check my email once or twice and email you while i'm there :)

Blessings, blessings and more blessings to you,


Sent: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 09:27:39 -0700
Subject: The Pastor And Prayer

Warrior Princess;

Greetings in the Name of Jesus! The Lord has asked that I request your help in "hearing from God" on the following issue:

The most recent sermonet "The Pastor Who Scattered The Flock!" has served it's purpose by bringing in Brother Jose and Sister Delores to talk. I met with them Saturday night (the 13th) and as the Lord requested invited them back for another meeting Wednesday. They are adament that the sermonet is nothing but lies. If you would please seek the Lord for the validity of it's contents. I need your help. The foremost question that you need to ask is "Is it all Truth?" If you hear that it's not then further prayer will identify the problem.

Brother and Sister Aguilera are extremely important for the work of God during this end-time harvest. Satan presently has them in his power. The battle will be intense! Thank you for your prayerful help.

In the Lord Jesus Christ,



Sent: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 20:49:50 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Heeeeeey! I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love lanna!!!!!


My goodness here I sit and having just landed back in good ole’ Sydney, and I am trying to find ways to express what has happened to me over the last two weeks.

I think of words like:

Life changing

Even as I sit and look at that list of words, it doesn’t do the time I had away justice, not at all. It would be great if you could get into my heart and just look around and read what the Lord has done and imparted, it would be much easier, but unfortunately that’s not going to happen. Hehe, so here I go to do my best to share with you the amazing life changing experience I have had.

Oh, I warn you, before you get into this, get up now, get a cup of coffee and get ready for a looooooong email ;)

I arrived in Melbourne on Tuesday 9th August, and just had a day with my mum to get settled in and find out how to get everywhere I needed to be etc. Little did I know, that the next morning was going to begin one of the most transforming and life changing events of my life.

So it begins. Walking In The Prophetic Conference 2005

Speakers were Rick Joyner, Jack Deere, and Kris Valloton. What an amazing line up J Kris was part of my Youth With A Mission training when I was in the USA (He is the co-pastor of Bethel Church in Redding California) so I was very excited to see him again.

There were so many topics covered in the talks that I couldn’t possibly begin to show you every little detail of revelation the Lord gave me, that will come out more so as we continue to share in emails, now that I’m back J

So I’ll just stick to the major transforming things.

One thing I can declare with the utmost conviction and authority right now because it is SO deep in my heart, is this.

I AM NOT A VICTIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You heard me right! I am NOT a victim. Before I left for the conference God was speaking to me about how I was allowing myself to fall into a ‘victim’ mentality. That the enemy would attack me and *bam I would start feeling discouraged, and I would ‘fight’ but all along holding dearly to that mentality of ‘woe to me’.

Well at the conference Jesus spoke to me and showed me exactly what I was doing. By constantly having the mentality of ‘woe to me’, I was denying the power and authority in the cross. By taking on that attitude I was saying to Jesus that His sacrifice for me at Calvary was not strong enough or good enough to give me the power and strength to remain joyful through those attacks.

I realised, I have been glorifying satan way too much. So that has now stopped. I repented of this so quickly, and the Lord is now showing me what it REALLY means to walk in victory.

Jesus said "I have ALL authority" and you know what revelation hit me. That means SOMEONE doesn’t have ANY authority, and that someone who does NOT have ANY authority is SATAN.

Satan only has authority when WE give it to him. So if I am focusing on ‘him’ and not on the VICTORY I have in Jesus, then boy oh boy the enemy is going to have a field day with me, exactly what has been happening to me.

So, I have put on the warrior boots that never come off, because now I truly KNOW what it means to have victory in Christ. HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!

The second thing that was burnt into me even more was this, I am called to the prophetic. Sitting through the conference with a lot of ‘big wigs’ around me prophetically, it was easy to start doubting. "I am not prophetic, I am not called to the prophetic office, I am not like so and so" but the more and more I spoke with Rick Joyner, and heard his teaching, and Jack’s and Kris’ the more I realised, I am prophetic, and all the experiences I have had have been experiences of the prophetic office. So I feel a greater strength in the calling the Lord has given to me. After speaking with Kris, he put his hands on my head and prayed for a greater prophetic anointing over me and I was burning. My head was burning! I believe the Lord really imparted something to me through him praying over me.

So, while on the topic of the prophetic, something HUGE that the Lord showed me is this. He has been growing me lots in prophesying to the body of Christ and prophesying to His children, but what about the ones that aren’t saved. What a great tool to be used, if the Lord gives you a word for someone not saved, and you are able to speak into their lives and show them GOD’S heart and care for them.

Burning in me now is a desire also to prophesy to non-believers. That while I am at work to be asking Jesus to show me something for my customers or non-christian friends, and to not be afraid to share it, but be bold in it. To step out in faith saying, I believe that YOU are called to this, or I believe the Lord might be saying this or that.

I never realised what an amazing gift prophecy really is, and it can be used as an AMAZING evangelical tool. Since the conference it is burning in me to start prophesying to the unsaved. Kris even spoke about this. Asking God to show you something to add VALUE to all others. Never saying "I have a word from God for you, but simply saying, I sense that God may be saying x, y, and z to you". What an amazing revelation. So I am now earnestly praying for God to begin to stretch me in this way, where I may even see into the hearts of those who aren’t saved, so through me, they may experience the love of God Almighty.

A phrase that hit me so hard at the conference was this "prophecy is adding value to people". That is exactly what it is. It is adding value to the church and to people by speaking God’s heart to them. Even if God speaks rebuke and conviction, He is adding value to people. "You are TOO GOOD to be acting this way" etc etc.

HALLELUJAH!!!!!!! I am so excited just writing all this to you J

So then, midway through the conference my feet started to BURN. I was freezing (because Melbourne is freezing J ) but my feet were on fire. Suddenly Kris stops preaching and says ‘if your feet are burning, please stand up’. My heart dropped to the floor. Someone near me stood up, so I then felt safe (LOL) so I stood up


He then said that God has called those of us who have stood up to be evangelists. That we will have favour with non-christians, that the Lord has given us a passion for the lost and he released an evangelical anointing over us. Well was I gobsmacked? For sure!!!!!!

I sat down thinking ‘wow amazing Lord, thank you, but I thought I was prophetic?’ the Lord then went onto tell me that He can gift us with more than one anointing hahaha, and that He has now opened my eyes to see I am called to evangelise aswell. We are all called to evangelise, but some He calls to that specific ministry, amen? So my eyes were opened, wow the Lord could possibly use me in the area of evangelism and the prophetic. Wow, and looking at them, they really go hand in hand. Amen!!!!!!!

Then the Lord hit me. When I was at the Hillsong conference this year, every time I would sit under Reinhard Bonnke’s teaching, I would weep. Not just a tear here and there, but I would SOB. SOB SOB SOB!!!!!!!! I couldn’t believe it, while I was there, wondering what was wrong with me, but now it seems to make sense.

Was my spirit connecting with his? Sitting under an anointing the same as what the Lord has gifted me with? Hallelujah!!!!!!!!! Bawling my eyes out when under Reinhard’s teaching, and the strongest sense of ‘connection’ ever when listening to Kris Valloton and Rick Joyner who are prophets. Amen!!!!!!!!

So if that wasn’t enough, then came another amazing gift from God.


And when I say ‘deep’ oh boy do I ever mean DEEP!!!!!!!!!

Kris Valloton preached on being a "Prince" or a "Pawper", and then I realised how I have been living. Even though for many many months I have been TRYING to live as a Prince, I have been living as a Pawper. Deep deep down where nobody sees I had been living as a pawper and I was so saddened by that.

While Kris was preaching God then spoke to me, that I have STILL been living under NAMES that are NOT the names the Lord has given to me, and that it’s time for me to STAND UP and live under the NEW NAME He has given me.

I was born to carry God’s glory. The more and more Kris spoke the more and more I saw I have been living under a ‘pawper’ mentality.

God told me at the conference that He wants to use MY life to bring forth HIS Glory through signs and wonders, but if I am living under that ‘pawper’ mentality He cannot, because of the doubt and unbelief. So I fell on my face and repented.

I do not have permission to not love myself because God loves me. The environment inside you, you will always create around you. If I receive the Kingdom, then I will manifest it everywhere I go. The devil has tested my identity for so long, because he knows that if I know who I am in Christ, he is defeated.

I am not performing FOR love anymore, but FROM love. AMEEEEEEEEENNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!

Now that I am realising more and more who I am, I CAN CHANGE HISTORY thru Jesus.

So I leave the conference that night and go to go to bed, to go through the Isaiah passage God was speaking to me about and my bookmark had been moved to another part of Isaiah so I read what it said and nearlly fell over:

"The nations will see your righteousness. Kings will be blinded by your glory. And the Lord will give you a new name. The Lord will hold you in His hands for all to see, a splendid crown in the hands of God. Never again will you be called the Godforsaken city or the desolate land. Your new name will be the City of God’s delight, and the bride of God, for the Lord delights in you, and will claim you as His own. Then God will rejoice over you as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride"

- Isaiah 62: 2-5


God again confirms that I have a new name, and that I am to walk in that new name from now on. No more opening doors of the PAST, but now opening doors of the FUTURE.


The Lord also spoke a lot to me about the ‘calling’ He has for me. I was given a few words while at the conference about going to the ‘nations’, returning to the USA, about being used to speak God’s word to nation leaders, woah woah woah.

This I share with you, because I want you to keep me accountable, but I believe the Lord showed me that He is going to make Himself known in huge ways through me, and that my name will be known. Not because of pride, or because I want my name in lights, no……..but that he is going to make my name known as a door of influence to many areas. When I heard God say this I left it alone, and did not pay any attention to it, because it’s a huge temptation for pride. Then it was confirmed to me at the conference about God making me a great and known nation like Abraham.

Instead of being over the moon about it, I was quite daunted, because with such a thing as that, comes a lot of responsibility. So I have left it on the shelf, and will not focus on it, because whether my name is known or not, does not matter, only GOD’S GLORY THROUGH ME matters. So I laid it on the altar and God says to me:

"Lanna, I will gift you with what I have spoken to you about because I can trust you. I want you to always remember pride is saying don’t look at God, look at me, and humility says don’t look at me, look at God. Your heart is now saying don’t look at me, look at God. Keep this as your check always, remaining humble before Me, knowing that you can do nothing apart from me, and I will exalt you."

So there you go!!!!!! J

That’s just part of what has happened. I am speechless so I will end here.

More will come as we share more and more in emails I’m sure.

But to say the least, I’m transformed.

Thanks for listening. Bless you lots J

Love Lanna

Ps – I learnt another huge lesson about money. Tithing joyfully. At one stage while I was away I didn’t have any money left because the taxi fares to the conference were costing me a fortune, so I was stressed, but when I laid it down, God provided. Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sent: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 18:16:54 -0700
Subject: Re: Heeeeeey! I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love lanna!!!!!

Warrior Princess;

Thank you for thinking of me and writing. It's good to hear from you again, especially of the great and mighty things that God the Father is doing in your life...and about to do through your life! I'm greatly encouraged with the progress you are making. You bless me!

Your comments "I am not performing FOR love anymore, but FROM love" has everything to do with our motto: "ALL FOR THE LOVE OF JESUS." That's what it's all about, and likewise what we are all about at FMHCCI.

As I was reading through your e-mail the Lord gave me a Word for you on the following:

> Then the Lord hit me. When I was at the Hillsong conference this
> year, every time I would sit under Reinhard Bonnke’s teaching, I
> would weep. Not just a tear here and there, but I would SOB. SOB SOB
> SOB!!!!!!!! I couldn’t believe it, while I was there, wondering what
> was wrong with me, but now it seems to make sense.

You see it was on 6/10/01, upon completion of our sermonet "The Word Of Faith Error And Copeland, Meyer, Price, Crouch, And Hinn!", that the Lord moved on me in much the same way. And here's the part of the sermonet in which I tell all about it:

"...You see I had already finished up this message when the Lord requested that I get on my face before Him in prayer. Well I did. And after giving Him the praise and honor for what He’s done in my life I asked Him if this sermonet was "all of him". When I received back His response of "yes" I immediately felt His presence. I thanked Him for it, and then He told me to put on a Benny Hinn praise and worship tape entitled Atmosphere for HEALING Volume 1. Well that’s what I did, and it was only very shortly thereafter that the Spirit of God came all over me in such a way that my heart felt like it was breaking as great sobs of pain and sorrow came from within me. And as the Spirit of God continued to move on me I saw these great men and women of God, who’ve accepted this lie that Jesus died spiritually, caught-up in Satan’s trap. God loves these ministers very much and it’s His heart that’s actually breaking because of their entanglement with the enemy. Please pray that they will be able to stand up for The Truth and denounce the lie they’ve been spreading... regardless of the cost. Their everlasting lives depend on it!"

So as it concerns Reinhard Bonnke’s teaching and your "sobs" of the Holy Spirit, well he has error in his teaching too...and God is broken-hearted over it. You are called to speak Words of correction and reproof to Reinhard Bonnke, but the question is "Will you do it?"

I love you in the Lord and only want His best for you. Please trust me in these Words that I speak.

Please seek God concerning my prayer request over "The Shepherd Who Scattered The Flock!" I need your help.

In Christ,



Sent: Sat, 20 Aug 2005 13:09:40 -0700
Subject: A Now Word

Warrior Princess;

Just now, as I was washing dishes, the Lord gave me a Word for you: "You, Lanna, must walk in the fullness of your ministry...and not just the part you are comfortable with."

In Christ's love,



Sent: Sun, 21 Aug 2005 23:51:20 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Re: A Now Word


Thank you for your email. What a blessing it is to always hear from you. I am glad that the email I sent to you blessed you as well. For the Lord does not give to us for us to just keep to ourselves but to pass on and bless others.

So, I am so very glad that the Lord used the amazing time I had in Melbourne to bless you and encourage you as well. Thank you Jesus.

Very right on the word you gave me Bruce, God is calling me to step out and to prophesy to unbelievers now. How scary!!!!!!

Well, the rubber hit the road today with what the Lord showed me at the conference, it didn’t take long, did it? Hahaha.

Basically I was faced with a decision, whether or not to go out to a party I was invited too, so I said I would go, and that’s where it all started. Little did I realise my heart motivation behind going. Going to impress, dress up nicely and be noticed by men. Well, usually I would just go along with this, and go to it, but the Lord pulled me up.

‘Think about this Lanna’ echoed in my mind. ‘Think about what you are about to do and the consequences and things you will reap from going with these heart motives’. I sat with this ‘struggle’ for a little while and realised exactly what was happening.

I was being tempted to revisit the old ‘Lanna’ that has previously sat under other ‘names’ not the ones God has placed on her, and walk that out, walk out that insecurity through going to a party and meeting men, not to attach with them, but to receive that attention. For the first time in my life, I saw it. I saw what I was about to do before I did it, and saw the consequences of my actions before I made them.

I literally had to make a choice, right there and then. The Lord showed me all He had sown in me through the conference, and showed me again, snippits of what He is taking me "to" and asked me to choose. Which did I want to walk in. The old way, or the new way that has been so deeply engrained in my heart.

Well, I chose life!!!! Yes, I chose life!!!!!! Even when every fibre in my being was screaming out ‘go to the party and get the attention you want’ for the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE I chose to ignore and lay aside that ‘need’ and put myself in the real place I can get it. JESUS!!!!!

So often, I can see when I am tempted to start living again through this ‘needy wounded’ self, I see it so clearly, and I’ve always fallen for it. I’ve always walked back that way, but not anymore. No way!!!!!!! I know the God I serve, and even more than that, I know just HOW DEFEATED THE ENEMY IS!!!!!!!

The light has indeed been turned on, in more ways than I have ever dreamed. The scales HAVE fallen from my eyes, and my heart is now screaming "I CAN SEE, I CAN SEE".

What is awesome, that I am finding the more and more I press into Jesus, something that Rick Joyner said, is that as christians we are to constantly be finding in our lives that we are more at home in the spirit than we are in earthly life.

I see more and more now in my heart that I want to press beyond the limits of what was done before. To be open to ‘new things’. Every prophet in the bible was different, every person in the bible was different, so we should be? Amen?

It’s like in the Old Testament, how the priests weren’t allowed to have ‘scabs’, because if they had ‘scabs’ then that would show unhealed wounds. So it is with where I am at right now. Getting over wounds of the past and moving forward, not looking back, not allowing ‘scabs’ to remain on me any longer.

There are a few other things that the Lord is having me work through, anger with a few people, who I have forgiven, but am now in the processing of releasing that anger to the Lord from them and the way they treated me growing up, so I can truly move forward.

Everywhere I go, I want heaven to overflow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That’s exactly how I am feeling. Don’t you think we need to walk so much more in the spirit and open heavens in our lives. The more heaven overflows in our lives, the more and more His Glory is revealed and lives are changed.

Oh, oh, I have to tell you. You know how in the last email I told you that it’s burning on my heart to begin prophesying to unbelievers, well I got to work today and my boss (one of the pastors) tells me that they believe God is saying that we are to begin to allow prophesy to move in our café. That as the staff, trained reliable christians, (one of them is me, hehe) have a ‘word’ from God, we can openly share it in an encouraging way, but following the prophetic protocol. Isn’t that amazing? Wow!!!!!!! It’s so exciting, yet so scary for me!!!!! Hehe what a huge step!!!!!

So there’s that, and God has also told me to join the prophetic prayer team, that meet every Friday night to pray and get words from God for the church etc. So that’s a HUGE step for me, because the people are a lot older than me, but God has called me and that’s all that matters. I know I keep saying this, but it’s so amazing to see.

You know in Genesis 30 the story about the speckled and spotted animals, well that’s what it is like with us, in our lives. Whatever we imagine, that is what we will reproduce.

To keep fighting against what you don’t want to be, means that you have to keep that in focus all the time, and that’s exactly what I had been doing. Been constantly focused on ‘don’t be the wounded lanna’, I was actually focusing on the ‘wounded lanna’ and not moving forward and just saying ‘I am Lanna, the daughter of the King and His chosen warrior princess’ and moving forward in that.

Kris Valloton said at the conference ‘sticks and stones will break your bones, but names will take away your future’ and that’s exactly what was happening to me. The more and more I lived under other ‘names’ and the more and more I focused on not being ‘some names’, the more I was not moving forward into my destiny. Wow, wow, wow!!!!

Don’t get me wrong, I know it’s not rosey from here, that it’s a daily choice to continue to walk in who I really am, but now the focus is on WHO I REALLY AM and not focusing on "I can’t be this person".

Jesus has ALL authority, devil has NONE!!!!!! So because Jesus has ALL authority and we are in Christ, He has given YOU and ME all authority. So why do we get so ruffled by the enemy? I know at times we do…but WOW


For so so long I’ve been working hard for what I already have. I already am a chosen warrior princess. I was raised to be a pauper but really I am a PRINCESS J

We need to know who we are and move in that power, His power. We should not go to church, but become the church. It’s like people saying ‘why does God let poverty and sickness happen?’ and as Kris Valloton said, we shouldn’t ask that question, we should ask ‘if we have ALL authority why do WE let it happen?’

Oh amen, the authority we have in Jesus and we hardly walk in it. My word, let’s start walking in this, what power in the name of JESUS.

Interesting thing Kris Valloton said was that when we are moving forward in our destiny so often we say ‘I have to fight the devil’ and it is true, we do, we do not fight against flesh and blood, but most of the time we fight against our brothers L isn’t that sad?

So we get strong through encountering our brothers. They attack our identity and we stand in confidence of who God is, in us.

Let us together continue to rejoice, because the enemy has NO authority in our camp, unless we give it to him. So let us give him nothing.

Let us WORSHIP JESUS and thank Him for the amazing victory and power He purchased for us at Calvary.

Your friend forever,


Sent: Tue, 23 Aug 2005 08:38:31 -0700
Subject: Re: Be Alert - word - Lanna Perry!!!!

Warrior Princess;

This Word was for you (of course). More to come.

In Christ,



Sent: Tue, 23 Aug 2005 23:19:36 -0700
Subject: Re: A Now Word

Warrior Princess;

I love it when you respond back on my comments of what "thus saith the Lord"!And seeing how the Lord has already spoken to you on this issue, why don't we just continue right on along with the process: "Many of you are stepping out of My covering when you are not aligning yourself with My Word."

Now I can only assume that your reply - "Very right on the word you gave me Bruce, God is calling me to step out and to prophesy to unbelievers now. How scary!!!!!!" - had everything to do with my 'Now Word from God' to you - "You, Lanna, must walk in the fullness of your ministry...and not just the part you are comfortable with." However, I'm afraid that you don't have the proper understanding of where God was going with that warning.

You see it all goes back to what the Lord gave me to give you concerning Bonnke: "So as it concerns Reinhard Bonnke’s teaching and your "sobs" of the Holy Spirit, well he has error in his teaching too...and God is broken-hearted over it. You are called to speak Words of correction and reproof to Reinhard Bonnke, but the question is "Will you do it?""

In fact by going back to our introduction e-mail of 3/5/05, you should be able to see an ugly trend developing...because the following is a portion of what the Lord gave me to say to you in the beginning:

-You have been very gifted by the Father but are not yet walking in the fullness of your potential. The following Word is what the Almighty has given me for you: "Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake. Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets. But woe unto you that are rich! for ye have received your consolation. Woe unto you that are full! for ye shall hunger. Woe unto you that laugh now! for ye shall mourn and weep. Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets." (Luke 6:22-26 KJV)-

You see Lanna, this is why you haven't joined up with us at FMHCCI as God's Word directed. We say things that make people very upset. I mean, without a doubt, our Website will never get the praises of men. And of course if you become a part of us then people will also look at you with scorn and distaste. But then again, you really don't have any other good choice but to become a part of us...because that's what God has ordained for your life and your ministry. It's God's Word that you become one with us, and likewise it's God's Word that encourages you to obey it: "Many of you are stepping out of My covering when you are not aligning yourself with My Word."

The Lord just wants me to remind you of the calling He's put on your life. As unpleasant as it might be, one of the responsibilities of the prophet (Warrior Princess), is to first tear down before we build back up:

"But the LORD said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak. Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the LORD. Then the LORD put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth. See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant." (Jeremiah 1:7-10 KJV)

You are out of God's will until you join hands with us at FMHCCI and expose the spirit of error in the ministries that the Almighty shows you. You are stepping out from under His covering by not aligning yourself with His Word concerning this matter. This is a very serious concern..."thus saith the Lord!"

In the Lord Jesus Christ,



Sent: Fri, 26 Aug 2005 22:43:45 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Parsley - Hi Everyone!!!!

Hi Everyone,

This isn't a prophetic 'word' as such, but I am sending out this revelation, because I believe (a) it's funny, (b) it's encouraging, and (c) I felt God wanted me to share.

I have to tell you I am fascinated with my parsley. Yes parsley. I am growing my own parsley. I have it in a little pot and I water it everyday and I look after it. I keep my parsley in the kitchen and I look after it everyday.

Well tonight, I went out into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea, and I always go over and check how it is going. I get so excited every time I see the parsley grow more and more. I get so excited every time I water it, and pull out any sticks out of the soil, hindering it’s growth, and I just delight so much in watching it grow.

Without me, it cannot exist, because it’s in the house and if I don’t water it and look after it, it’s not outside exposed to natural sunlight and rain, to be able to grow. So without me it dies.

The absolute delight I have in watching my parsley grow I cannot even tell you. I literally get so excited, because I am looking after it, and in a sense it feels like my creation, (even though in a lot of ways it isn’t ;))

I am awe-struck. Here I am sitting here really excited and in awe as I watch the growth take place, and I love this parsley so much because it’s mine. It belongs to Me.

Now, it hits my Spirit. Bang!!!!!!!!!!

Could this be how God feels towards me? Towards us?

I/we are the parsley. God delights in us so much. He gets so excited to watch us grow and depend on Him. Knowing without Him, we are nothing, and we cannot survive truly without Him. It needs sunlight, as we need SON-light.

As I excitedly go to check on my parsley everyday and water it, God eagerly waits for us to continue to come to Him, so He can pour His water of life into us, and bring growth to us.

In that place, God is able to get rid of all the ‘sticks’ and ‘stones’ in the soil that hinder our growth.

I just keep hearing the word ‘excitement’ in my spirit. God is so excited at watching us grow up in Him. That’s amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!

God really delights in our growth, but even deeper than that, He really delights in us.

So, whatever I feel toward my parsley is almost nothing compared to what God feels about us?

As I stand over my parsley and feel like singing songs to it, and telling it how beautiful it is, because it is mine, that’s how God feels about us.

Standing beside us, cheering us on.

"You are so beautiful, you are Mine"

"You are growing so beautifully, I am so excited at your growth and what you are to become"

Hear those words:

What you have become and are becoming and are to become!!!!!

Those words hit my Spirit like a tonne of bricks.

God is so excited about what I/we are going to become. The growth into who we are in Him. It’s a daily process, day after day after day, walking deeper and deeper in the revelation of who we really are.

For there cannot come a day, where we stop growing in the revelation of our identity. God is SO SO SO excited about what we are to become. Walking in the complete manifestation of who we are in Him.

He delights SO much in what we are becoming, and delights in what we are to become.


So God delights in whatwe are slowly becoming now, the growth that is taking place, no matter how slow, and He delights in the calling He has for us.

The calling He has for me, He’s excited at what He is going to make "Lanna Perry" into. Not for my namesake, but for His Glory. He is EXCITED about what He is making each of YOU into, a gold pure shining vessel to shine forth and carry His Glory. Hallelujah!!!!!!!!

God delights in YOU and ME!!!!

Now as I stand over my parsley singing ‘you’re so cute, you’re so beautiful, you keep growing, you are mine’ I then hear the thunderous words from above:


I pray this blesses you. May you step forward into the rest of your day, confidently knowing that God delights in YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All my love to you my friends, Lanna Perry


Sent: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 21:47:45 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Morning Folks : )

Morning Folks!!!!!

Another beautiful day to serve Jesus : )

I am clearing out my mailbox : )

So as you know, this is my personal email account, where I only send out personal emails, and not ministry emails.

So if you wish to stay on my email list in this account, please reply to this email : )

I love the regular contact I have with each of you : ) and would like more regular contact with some of you *winks*

Love & Blessings,
Lanna : )

Phil 1:13


Sent: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 09:11:27 -0700
Subject: Re: Morning Folks : )

I love the regular contact with you too...I just wish you would respond to more of my correspondences.


Sent: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 08:52:53 +1000 (EST)
Subject: This Is Getting Ridiculous!!!!!!! Luv Lanna!!!!

Hi Everyone,

I really need your continued prayers for my 5am meetings with Jesus. The spiritual battle behind this task is enormous. I never realised how much there was.

There has been obstacle after obstacle in me rising at 5am, whether it's me sleeping in a lot, or alarm not going off, or my dad telling me to tippy toe around the house at that time of morning to not wake anyone up.

Please, can you pray for me with this? I am believing for breakthrough with this in Jesus name. I believe the Lord has called me to rise at 5am every morning to spend time with Him, and when I don't, I spend the whole day fighting off condemnation.

So please would you join with me, and push the armies of darkness back with me, that are trying to stop this from happening, I can see it is a lot more than me just sleeping in.

Nothing is going to stop this Warrior Princess.

Thanks so much. Love & Blessings,
Phil 1:3


[Go to continuation #6 of Lanna's E-mails]

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