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The following letter-form was brought about as a means of teaching my children the Word of God through the mail. And of course, quite naturally so, that’s the reason I begin these letters with "Dear Children" and end them with "Love Dad". So for the rest of you who participate in these weekly messages, please keep their original intended purpose in mind.


26 September, 2004


Dear Children,


Glory be to God!!! Here we are, once again, speaking what “thus saith the Lord” to those in need of a serious “course correction”. In fact it was shortly after our last sermonet Jesus Was An Outlaw…And So Am I! (9/19/04) that I felt led of the Lord to continue telling the story of my “imprisonment for Jesus” in our very next message. That’s what the Almighty was telling me to do until the 23rd of September when He abruptly changed my plans. Because you see it was on that fateful morning that I just so happened to be watching CNN when they gave their version of the following announcement concerning Jimmy Swaggart and his sin:




Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart Threatens To Kill Gays
by Jan Prout Newscenter
Toronto Bureau

Posted: September 20, 2004 12:02 am ET


Toronto, Ontario) A Canadian television station has apologized publicly to viewers for a telecast of American evangelist Jimmy Swggart's television program in which he threatened to kill gays.


The program, aired last week on Omni 1, a Toronto multicultural station, and throughout the US, has also prompted an investigation by the Canadian Radio Television Commission, the government agency which regulates television.


During the program, a rambling sermon by Swaggart who is trying to rehabilitate himself after an arrest for soliciting a prostitute, the televangelist turned to the subject of gay marriage.


According to a transcript of the program, Swaggart said: "I'm trying to find the correct name for it ... this utter absolute, asinine, idiotic stupidity of men marrying men. ... I've never seen a man in my life I wanted to marry. And I'm gonna be blunt and plain; if one ever looks at me like that, I'm gonna kill him and tell God he died."


The remarks were met with applause from his congregation.


The program was taped at Swaggart's ministry in New Orleans where voters Saturday agreed to amend the Louisiana constitution to bar same-sex marriage.


The CRTC investigation was prompted by a complaint by a viewer in Ottawa. It is not known if any complaints had been made in the US where the show appears on stations in all 50 states. A spokesperson for the FCC which regulates television in the US did not return calls for comment Sunday.


Toronto station Omni 1 reviewed the tape after a complaint was made. A spokesperson called the remarks "a serious breach" of Canadian broadcast regulations…


(Emphasis added.)




- Jimmy Swaggart Threatens Gays -
[Windows Media Player]
(Download WMV Video)


Randy And Jimmy


Now you tell me: does that sound like a man of God talking? I don’t think so! In fact the man who spoke those words does not sound like the Jimmy Swaggart I know. In fact the following is what Paul had to say in the book of Romans about Brother Swaggart’s attitude (“…if one ever looks at me like that, I'm gonna kill him and tell God he died”):


Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but [rather] give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance [is] mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” (Romans 12:17-21 KJV)


So why do you think Brother Swaggart spoke-out about wanting to “kill” those who the Lord wants to “save”? Why do you think Jimmy Swaggart tried to overcome evil with evil? I mean killing homosexuals won’t take care of the homosexual’s problem! After all, we are dealing with everlasting demonic spirits here! They won’t roll over and die when you kill the homosexual in which they reside. Not a chance! They just move on into some other body of some other willing but most often unsuspecting victim!


You see Christianity is all about saving the lost and dying by first casting out the demonic spirit and then filling them with the Holy Spirit. That’s what it’s all about! In fact so many times in the past I’ve heard Brother Swaggart preach to the homosexuals with “love and compassion”. So what do you think went wrong? Why has Brother Swaggart just all of the sudden gone off the “deep end” with this talk about “killing gays”?


Well when the news came down I knew that it would somehow link up with the special Scripture that the Lord had given me just the day before. I knew without a doubt that what I received on the 22nd through “The Sayings Of Jesus” (Luke 13:34-35) was somehow going to tie back in with Jimmy Swaggart’s most recent “black eye with the homosexuals”…and here it is:


“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate: and verily I say unto you, Ye shall not see me, until the time come when ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.” (Luke 13:34-35 KJV)


Now do you even have a clue as to how these two (the news release and Luke 13:34-35) go together for the glory of God? Well after having prayed through, seriously seeking God’s Face in this matter, the Lord showed me that I am just one of the many prophets who’ve carried God’s “Word of correction” to Jimmy Swaggart and his ministry. We took Brother Swaggart the Word that He needed to hear, but yet the Word that we carried was rejected. And just why do you think that’s so?


Well you see sin is one more deceivingly-deceptive evil sucker! And what makes sin even worse is when a “Christ-professing Believer” doesn’t allow the Holy Spirit to get it out of them. I mean when any Believer says they Love Jesus, but yet won’t allow the “Light” of God’s Word “to transform” them through the Power of the Holy Spirit, they become nothing less than a great big old monster that’s anything but the “Love of Jesus”! (See Photosynthesis: The Key To Both This Life And The Next! (9/9/01) for more on the transforming Light of God.)


In fact, as it concerns Jimmy Swaggart and his sin, the Lord gave us “Words of correction” to give to him in the form of four (4) sermonets: Jimmy Swaggart And The Accursed! (12/31/01), Jimmy Swaggart And The "Since" That Should Have Remained "If"! (3/24/02), Jimmy Swaggart And His Spiritual Adultery! (4/21/02), and Is Jimmy Swaggart’s Wife Frances Really Uncovered? (5/5/02). The Lord gave us the Word, and we delivered God’s Word, but the intended “deliverance” of Jimmy Swaggart didn’t take place because Brother Swaggart didn’t receive it as “thus saith the Lord!” Jimmy Swaggart rejected the Word of the prophet! And, therefore, as God has spoken to me through His Scripture of Luke 13:34-35, “Jimmy Swaggart shall not see deliverance from his monster from within, until the time come when he shall say, Blessed is the prophet that cometh in the name of the Lord!”


And now that we’ve said all that, it’s time to head on into this fifth sermonet to Brother Swaggart entitled “The Monster Within Jimmy Swaggart Threatens To Kill Gays!” Because little did I know but it was our e-mail correspondence to a “Sister in the Lord” on the 30th of August that would likewise give us the “meat” of this message for today:




Sent: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 08:51:24 –0700
Subject: The Monster Within!


Dear Sister Sharon,


Your e-mail has truly blessed me in that you are one of the very few willing to war the "good fight of faith" when it comes to Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. I'm truly blessed by your response.


So will the Swaggarts receive "Words of correction" through Spirit-filled believers? No, not yet!!! I personally petitioned Brother Swaggart in 2002 to receive Words from the Lord through me...but he just wouldn't listen. Their hearts have been hardened and will stay that way until that shaking you predicted:


"...fall?? yes, there will be another Fall within that ministry..." And the way He's going to do it goes back to your Scripture of "...but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down." (Psalm 146:9)


In fact the Words you spoke confirm what the Lord gave me as an ending to the sermonet Jimmy Swaggart And The Accursed! (12/31/01):


"God has a Great Plan for the Jimmy Swaggart Ministry, but in order for it to happen "as planned" the Ministry must remain Pure. The "monster" in Brother Swaggart’s dream has already made his first attack, with the second one shortly on the way."


And going back to Brother Swaggart's dream, and the "monster" that now resides in his ministry, this was what he saw:




Jimmy Swaggart (Family Worship Center - Baton Rouge, LA)


The following was given by Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart, during the Friday night 2001 Easter Campmeeting service at Family Worship Center, as a part of his message and as recorded in the 1st Sunday — December 2001 — JSM Home Church Video:


...That was the Holy Spirit coming. Coming in a dimension that — He had not yet come — made possible by The Cross.


In a dream I heard that Mighty Wind. Nineteen fifty-three, that’s a long time ago. And I won’t go through the whole thing, but, I found myself facing a power of darkness that was so absolutely mind-boggling that it beggared description in my dream. I dreamed I was in a house of which I was not acquainted or with which I was not acquainted. And I saw the door open and this thing walked in to that door through the door.


He had the body of a bear and the face of a man. He must have stood eight, nine feet tall. Like a hulking form, I’ve never seen such evil as he started toward me, and the fear gripped me to such an extent, in the dream, that I collapsed. I fell on the floor. I’ve never seen such evil as I saw in that face. It was like his eyes were epitomized by all the evil that there ever was. His countenance, like I said, the face of a man the body of a bear. And as he began to come toward me, with that hulk, I remember reaching and reaching over the floor trying to find something to defend myself. But there was nothing!


But the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. Hallelujah! The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God!


I screamed, and even though I exerted all the strength that I had my voice was a little bit above a whisper. And I screamed at that thing, "In the Name of Jesus!" I was on the floor, flat on my back, my voice was gone, my strength was gone, but the Name of Jesus had such a power. The Name of Jesus did not depend on my strength! The Name of Jesus did not depend on my strength! The Name of Jesus doesn’t depend on your strength! The Name of Jesus is not dependent upon your talent or your ability! That Name carries it’s own Power; it carries it’s own Weight!


He said, "In my Name you’ll cast out devils. In my Name you’ll lay hands on the sick and they shall recover."


That thing screamed. It grabbed it’s head and began to scream and it was like I had hit it in the head with a baseball bat. And it began to stagger around over the floor screaming and holding it’s head. And now I began to get up. And I said it the second time. And my voice had three times the strength now. And when I said it the second time — In the Name of Jesus — that thing fell. Still clutching it’s head it fell on the floor and began to writhe like a snake.


When I was a little boy, up in north east Louisiana, we would kill water moccasins... and I hit that thing in the head and it would writhe on the ground. And that’s exactly the way that thing was writhing. And now instead of it towering over me in my dream I’m towering over it. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Glory to God!


And I said it the second time, or the third time rather, "In the Name of Jesus!" And when I said it the third time I didn’t shout. I exerted no strength, but it was like my voice had a hundred amplifiers attached to it. It reverberated, reverberated over the walls and off the walls "In the Name of Jesus!"


And when I said it that third time, in my dream I heard the sound of that Mighty Rushing Wind. I heard it! I heard it as it swept through that place. And it hit that thing, and that thing went out the door and fluttered in the air like a piece of paper. Because the Holy Spirit, He that is within us is greater than he that is within the world.




I'm encouraged to hear how the Lord has provided for your son. Now that we have met, please seek God concerning all of us coming together in His Spirit to oppose this monster within JSM. Are you and your son willing to give it all up for the glory of God? I would love to speak with your son. Please pray about it.


In the Lord Jesus Christ,


Bruce (and Sandy)




Well that was my e-mail to the “Sister in the Lord” who was so desperately seeking the truth concerning the Jimmy Swaggart Ministry. Because you see this Sister found us on the Web in her search for an inside scoop on JSM. She has a son, and the both of them have experienced this “monster within the Jimmy Swaggart Ministry” themselves. And it’s because of their unfortunate encounter with the “monster” that she’s been frantically trying to deal with the resulting turmoil within her spirit. [Read "Revealing emails from Sister Sharon" - a storm is coming within Jimmy Swaggart Ministries!]


And getting back to our e-mail response to the Sister, just what was this monster that Brother Swaggart encountered in his dream of long ago? Well by going back in time, and looking at a few important events in Brother Swaggart’s life, we can not only identify this “monster” but also watch it become the gigantic stalking hulk that it is.


Because by starting back in August of 1984 (the 19th to be exact) we saw Brother Swaggart declaring that "Sex education classes in our public schools are promoting incest." This was a good thing to do…no doubt!


Then in 1986 Jimmy Swaggart denounced New Orleans preacher Marvin Gorman for his extramarital affairs…and Pastor Gorman was stripped of his congregation. Continuing on with this same mannerism, Brother Swaggart denounced PTL minister Jim Bakker for committing adultery by calling him "a cancer in the body of Christ”…and we all know what happened to him.


And shortly thereafter (1987) Brother Swaggart proclaimed that "Pornography is now considered as addictive as drugs." No doubt, once again, this was a very good thing to say. But, what happened next was that Jimmy Swaggart unexpectedly had his picture taken with a prostitute - Debra Murphree - outside the Lake Charles Louisiana Travel Inn…and the reason for their being there had everything to do with Jimmy Swaggart viewing “live” pornography!


Well, as a direct result of this, what the world saw next was Jimmy Swaggart tearfully seeking God's forgiveness on worldwide TV. Because on the 21st of February, 1988, Brother Swaggart publicly declared "I have sinned against you, my Lord." He confessed his sin as a "moral failure", but never fully uncovered the exact nature of his transgression. (See Jimmy Swaggart Repents! for his complete apology.)


Then on the 11th of October, 1991, evangelist Jimmy Swaggart was arrested in a red-light district in Indio, CA, for driving on the wrong side of the road. Brother Swaggart's passenger at the time of his driving violation was none other than prostitute Rosemary Garcia. So once again we see Brother Swaggart caught in the act of experiencing “live” pornography.


So are you starting to see this gigantic hulking monster within Brother Swaggart? Are you starting to see how it gradually manifested itself through Brother Swaggart’s life, and even though he was preaching hard against it? It’s called “pornography”, it is most definitely an addiction of the “flesh”, and no Christ professing child of God should be addicted to it. Not even Jimmy Swaggart:


“This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.” (Galatians 5:16-17 KJV)


The Scripture plainly states that Jimmy Swaggart would not have been fulfilling the lust of his flesh – pornography – if he would have been walking in the Spirit of God. In fact God’s Word goes on to say:


Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.” (Romans 2:1 KJV)


So was Jimmy Swaggart wrong for speaking out on pornography? No!!! Was He wrong for “denouncing” Marvin Gorman and Jim Bakker for their sexual sins? Yes!!! And the reason he was wrong is because of the word “therefore” in the preceding Scripture! In fact reading from “Albert Barnes’ Notes On The Bible” we find the following very good description of Brother Swaggart’s problem:


“(Therefore - Dio) The force of this word here has been the subject of much discussion. The design of this and the following chapter is to show that the Jews were no less guilty that the Gentiles, and that they needed the benefit of the same salvation. This the apostle does by showing that they had greater light than the Gentiles; and yet that they did the same things. Still they were in the habit of accusing and condemning the Gentiles as wicked and abandoned; while they excused themselves on the ground that they possessed the Law and the oracles of God, and were his favorite people. The apostle here affirms that they were inexcusable in their sins, that they must be condemned in the sight of God, on the same ground on which they condemned the Gentiles; to wit, that they had light and yet committed wickedness.”


Thank you Brother Barnes for that fine Word for Brother Swaggart! Because you see what he said goes right back to what I said about Brother Swaggart’s sin in the beginning of this message:


“And what makes sin even worse is when a “Christ-professing Believer” doesn’t allow the Holy Spirit to get it out of them. I mean when any Believer says they Love Jesus, but yet won’t allow the “Light” of God’s Word “to transform” them through the Power of the Holy Spirit, they become nothing less than a great big old monster that’s anything but the “Love of Jesus”! (See Photosynthesis: The Key To Both This Life And The Next! (9/9/01) for more on the transforming Light of God.)”


And of course all of this goes back to the reason that we’re having to write this message in the first place, which likewise goes back to our sermonet Pastor Stephens And The Rejected Word From God! (5/27/01). Because it was in that particular message that the Lord gave me the details on why Brother Swaggart wasn’t able to overcome his “sinful fleshly lust” for pornography. You see his problem goes way back in time to when JSM was constructing the Family Worship Center building. God had given Jimmy Swaggart specific instructions on how many people it should seat, but because of a few other folks (man’s opinion) Brother Swaggart decided to scale it down by half.


So you see what actually took place in this “simple little act of disobedience” was that “God’s Light” (the Word to Brother Swaggart on FWC’s construction) never accomplished what God had intended for it to accomplish because Brother Swaggart refused to walk in obedience to it. This same Word (Light), that would have “rooted out” and destroyed the “pornography monster” within him, was never allowed to work…therefore “monster pornography” just kept right on working in Jimmy Swaggart’s life until it almost destroyed his ministry!!!


That was the first attack from Jimmy Swaggart’s “monster from within”, but now let’s deal with the second. Because what just recently came out of Jimmy Swaggart’s mouth was “what thus saith the monster” from within! I mean it should be pretty obvious by now that Jimmy Swaggart’s statement of “kill the gays” was not about the “love of Jesus” in him. And having said all that the following Scripture will confirm it:


“For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another. This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:14-25 KJV)


So, if attack #1 of the “monster from within” was preceded by Brother Jimmy’s sincere desire to help those caught up in “pornography”, what do you think attack #2 will bring about? In the beginning Jimmy Swaggart had a “loving concern” to rescue the homosexuals from their sin…but now he wants to kill them. Doesn’t this sound just a little bit familiar? It all goes back to attack #1. Their names were Marvin Gorman and Jim Bakker, and the root cause of their problem was pornography!


For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.” (Romans 1:16-32 and 2:1 KJV)


So “the just shall live by faith” – “justified” (made righteous) through “faith” (belief) in the “gospel of Jesus Christ” (every Word [the Light] that procedeth from the Mouth of the Father). But was Jimmy Swaggart “justified by faith” concerning the Family Worship Center building? No!!! Why not? Because those around him convinced him that it (God’s Word) was not the right thing to do. In other words Jimmy Swaggart was ashamed in what God gave him (the gospel)…and he did not obey!


Was God pleased with Jimmy Swaggart’s disobedience to His Word? No! His disobedience to God’s Word kept God’s Light from doing the work of “righteousness” as God had intended, therefore Brother Swaggart remained unrighteous in the Eyes of God: “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness…”


And what are the results of God’s wrath against those “unrighteous” such as Brother Swaggart? “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for…the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.”


So is this going to be the end result of monster attack #2?


Well going back to the Sister’s e-mail, and her prediction in it, we find the following Scripture as it applied to Brother Swaggart:


The LORD preserveth the strangers; he relieveth the fatherless and widow: but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down.” (Psalm 146:9 KJV)


And now that we’ve said all that, we’re going to wrap this one up by saying what “thus saith the Lord” just one more time:


Fire And Brimstone“Jimmy Swaggart shall not see deliverance from his monster from within, until the time come when he shall say, Blessed is the prophet that cometh in the name of the Lord!”


In closing, don’t be ashamed to obey God’s Word…because the consequences are greater than you or I or Jimmy Swaggart could ever imagine. In other words, keep on keeping the faith in Jesus!!!




Dad (Bruce Hallman)



It's no coincidence that the Holy Spirit has directed Jimmy Swaggart to write about his problem - "the monster within" - in the Jimmy Swaggart Ministry's "Expositor's New Testament" (King James Version). Because on pages 1124-1125 you'll find the following "true confession" of Brother Swaggart under the subheading of "The Holy Spirit":


"The Believer must understand, that the power of sin is so great, that no individual on earth, even the strongest Christian can overcome this monster within his own strength and ability. It simply cannot be done."




Revealing emails fom Sister Sharon
(A storm is coming within Jimmy Swaggart Ministries):


From: "sharonc"
Sent: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 16:33:01 -0500
Subject: Swaggart bible College


Bro. Bruce,

I have been seeking imformation concerning Jsmc and found your site, since early 60's ive followed Swaggarts ministry,then left at the (fall), as of today we have a son that is in Swaggarts college and I never hear results about the students, I do know they take offerings for Sonlife, never mentioning the college, I do know that they have deaf ears to the dorms high cost rates for students, causing some,including our son,to live on ramen noodles and believing God to supply there needs , I'm not gossiping ,I just need to know why they dont take care of their own,is it just money in their pockets? I'm really concerned about this, andI know God sees these students,and they have real cares and needs, and it upsets me to hear Bro. Swaggart ask for a million when he doesnt seem to care how much these students love God,can you give me insite on this

Bless you,



From: "sharonc"
Sent: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 14:58:57 -0500
Subject: JSM-reply



Thank you for answering my E-mail concerning questions I'd ask concerning JSM,the concern I'd had ,after reading your reply was to go before the Lord and pray for the Bible students,(new in Christ), that are giving their all to our Lord Jesus Christ,and to pray for the conditions of living in bluebonnet hotel, yes, there is a snake in the woodpile and God does not have deaf ears, I'm not attacking , or condemning them as a person,just dealing w/behavior,no one likes to be critized, revenge and judgement belongs to God,Do you wonder if the Swaggarts are even aware of the conditions there at their dorms,do u think they care? I did find out that questions as this related to them ,via,letter, never r answered, i mean, who r we??? well, I'm a child of the King just as much as u ,r them, thats when I started to search questions ,hoping to hear from others that knew this ministry, there r 3.5million in America living in poverty, largest majority r children, it sickens my spirit to hear a preacher that is already worth twice that much on earth literally begging for more, enough is enough,by the way, my son worked for their securityto fund his education, he no longer works for them, they cut bk on wages, but, God supplied a better way, not only for him, but for some others, fall?? yes, there will be another Fall within that ministry, Psalms 146,shld there be a blubonnet tower come Thanksgiving,I plan to visit my son, Iwas so hurt to hear about your experience when you and your children were there, yet, your prayers didnt fall on deaf ears, just look how God has blest you, I pray the Holy Spirit guide you and yours ,in everything you do, Grace be with u all that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity,



From: "sharonc"
Sent: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 16:06:19 -0500
Subject: Jimmy Swaggart repents


Dear Bro. Bruce and Sandy,

I e-mailed you earlier in reply of the e-mail you'd sent me, at that time I had not read your last sermonet on "Jimmy Swaggart repents", no, it was not a shock to me, and, I praise God for your boldness,this was the "fall" that God showed me.and yes, now I see why the Holy Spirit led me to such a simple chapter in Eccles.,there is a time for everything,and I thank God for blessing you with, in answer to your questions concerning my son , and how the Lord provided for him, he called two weeks ago,was looking forward to classes starting,God had provided his tution with a good job outside from JSM, great!! he called a second time later on that afternoon and stated "a storm was coming", God told him to leave, he packed his clothes,and books,and,left, he went to Arkansas,and God told him to stay there, all his belongings,furniture,ect, are still at Blubonnet and he instructed a fellow student to give away or sell what he left. he does not intend to go back, and states God has a work for him to do there in Arkansas,you ask if my son was willing to give up all for the Glory of God,my reply would be, he already has,his ministry for God is being an open vessel.I recieved word from my daughter that God has moved in mighty ways through him for his obedience, so, the "storm has passed", our children cut their teeth on Jimmy swaggart teachings, they now are adults, and as today, my grandchildren are being taught JSM ,alot has changed within that ministry since 35yrs ago, would you care to know how our 12yr old granddaughter sees Jimmy Swaggart? it all begins with the last campmeeting , wow,such AWE!!such awe, you'd think she met a, yes, i do keep up with what goes on in that ministry, it effects our children, I would like to say that Bro.Loren has been a blessing to mychildren, he is doing exactly what God is wanting him to do. May God richly bless each of you,

your friend and sister in Christ,

Sharon (Return to sermonet)


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